Fitness Memberships
Individual Membership
Full access to all YWCA centers and gyms
Unlimited land and aquatics fitness classes
Access to open swim/lap swim times
No contract
No annual fees!
*With easy pay
Family Membership
Up to two adults and their dependent children under the age of 17
Full access to all YWCA centers and gyms
Unlimited land and aquatics fitness classes
Access to open swim/lap swim times
No contract
No annual fees!
*With easy pay
Student Membership
Must provide proof of registration/enrollment in school
Full access to all YWCA centers and gyms
Unlimited land and aquatics fitness classes
Access to open swim/lap swim times
No contract
No annual fees!
*With easy pay
Senior Membership
Full access to all YWCA centers and gyms
Unlimited land and aquatics fitness classes
Access to open swim/lap swim times
No contract
No annual fees!
Seniors 60+
*With easy pay
Classes vary by location. Membership grants access to classes, pools, gyms at all YWCA locations. Schedules and rates are subject to change. For the most updated information, please contact your nearest YWCA.
*Easy Pay - Save money on membership with automatic banking withdrawal. Contact your local branch to sign up.